Module builtin

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Built-in types like Vector2, GString and Variant.

Please read the book chapter about builtin types.

§API design

Our goal is to strive for a middle ground between idiomatic Rust and existing Godot APIs, achieving a decent balance between ergonomics, correctness and performance. We leverage Rust’s type system (such as Option<T> or enum) where it helps expressivity.

We have been using a few guiding principles. Those apply to builtins in particular, but some are relevant in other modules, too.

§1. Copy for value types

Value types are types with public fields and no hidden state. This includes all geometric types, colors and RIDs.

All value types implement the Copy trait and thus have no custom Drop impl.

§2. By-value (self) vs. by-reference (&self) receivers

Most Copy builtins use by-value receivers. The exception are matrix-like types (e.g., Basis, Transform2D, Transform3D, Projection), whose methods operate on &self instead. This is close to how the underlying glam library handles it.

§3. Default trait only when the default value is common and useful

Default is deliberately not implemented for every type. Rationale:

  • For some types, the default representation (as per Godot) does not constitute a useful value. This goes against Rust’s Default docs, which explicitly mention “A trait for giving a type a useful default value”. For example, Plane() in GDScript creates a degenerate plane which cannot participate in geometric operations.
  • Not providing Default makes users double-check if the value they want is indeed what they intended. While it seems convenient, not having implicit default or “null” values is a design choice of Rust, avoiding the Billion Dollar Mistake. In many situations, Option or OnReady is a better alternative.
  • For cases where the Godot default is truly desired, we provide an invalid() constructor, e.g. Callable::invalid() or Plane::invalid(). This makes it explicit that you’re constructing a value that first has to be modified before becoming useful. When used in class fields, #[init(val = ...)] can help you initialize such values.
  • Outside builtins, we do not implement Gd::default() for manually managed types, as this makes it very easy to overlook initialization (e.g. in #[derive(Default)]) and leak memory. A Gd::new_alloc() is very explicit.

§4. Prefer explicit conversions over From trait

From is quite popular in Rust, but unlike traits such as Debug, the convenience of From can come at a cost. Like every feature, adding an impl From needs to be justified – not the other way around: there doesn’t need to be a particular reason why it’s not added. But there are in fact some trade-offs to consider:

  1. From next to named conversion methods/constructors adds another way to do things. While it’s sometimes good to have choice, multiple ways to achieve the same has downsides: users wonder if a subtle difference exists, or if all options are in fact identical. It’s unclear which one is the “preferred” option. Recognizing other people’s code becomes harder, because there tend to be dialects.
  2. It’s often a purely stylistic choice, without functional benefits. Someone may want to write (1, 2).into() instead of Vector2i::new(1, 2). This is not strong enough of a reason – if brevity is of concern, a function vec2i(1, 2) does the job better.
  3. From is less explicit than a named conversion function. If you see string.to_variant() or color.to_hsv(), you immediately know the target type. string.into() and color.into() lose that aspect. Even with (1, 2).into(), you’d first have to check whether From is only converting the tuple, or if it also provides an i32-to-f32 cast, thus resulting in Vector2 instead of Vector2i. This problem doesn’t exist with named constructor functions.
  4. The From trait doesn’t play nicely with type inference. If you write let v = string.to_variant(), rustc can infer the type of v based on the right-hand expression alone. With .into(), you need follow-up code to determine the type, which may or may not work. Temporarily commenting out such non-local code breaks the declaration line, too. To make matters worse, turbofish .into::<Type>() isn’t possible either.
  5. Rust itself requires that From conversions are infallible, lossless, value-preserving and obvious. This rules out a lot of scenarios such as DynGd::to_gd() (which only maintains the class part, not trait) or Color::try_to_hsv() (which is fallible and lossy).

One main reason to support From is to allow generic programming, in particular impl Into<T> parameters. This is also the reason why the string types have historically implemented the trait. But this became less relevant with the advent of AsArg<T> taking that role, and thus may change in the future.

§5. Option for fallible operations

GDScript often uses degenerate types and custom null states to express that an operation isn’t successful. This isn’t always consistent:

  • Rect2::intersection() returns an empty rectangle (i.e. you need to check its size).
  • Plane::intersects_ray() returns a Variant which is NIL in case of no intersection. While this is a better way to deal with it, it’s not immediately obvious that the result is a point (Vector2), and comes with extra marshaling overhead.

Rust uses Option in such cases, making the error state explicit and preventing that the result is accidentally interpreted as valid.

§6. Public fields and soft invariants

Some geometric types are subject to “soft invariants”. These invariants are not enforced at all times but are essential for certain operations. For example, bounding boxes must have non-negative volume for operations like intersection or containment checks. Planes must have a non-zero normal vector.

We cannot make them hard invariants (no invalid value may ever exist), because that would disallow the convenient public fields, and it would also mean every value coming over the FFI boundary (e.g. an #[export] field set in UI) would constantly need to be validated and reset to a different “sane” value.

For geometric operations, Godot often doesn’t specify the behavior if values are degenerate, which can propagate bugs that then lead to follow-up problems. godot-rust instead provides best-effort validations during an operation, which cause panics if such invalid states are detected (at least in Debug mode). Consult the docs of a concrete type to see its guarantees.

§7. RIIR for some, but not all builtins

Builtins use varying degrees of Rust vs. engine code for their implementations. This may change over time and is generally an implementation detail.

  • 100% Rust, often supported by the glam library:
    • all vector types (Vector2, Vector2i, Vector3, Vector3i, Vector4, Vector4i)
    • all bounding boxes (Rect2, Rect2i, Aabb)
    • 2D/3D matrices (Basis, Transform2D, Transform3D)
    • Plane
    • Rid (just an integer)
  • Partial Rust: Color, Quaternion, Projection
  • Only Godot FFI: all others (containers, strings, callables, variant, …)

The rationale here is that operations which are absolutely ubiquitous in game development, such as vector/matrix operations, benefit a lot from being directly implemented in Rust. This avoids FFI calls, which aren’t necessarily slow, but remove a lot of optimization potential for rustc/LLVM.

Other types, that are used less in bulk and less often in performance-critical paths (e.g. Projection), partially fall back to Godot APIs. Some operations are reasonably complex to implement in Rust, and we’re not a math library, nor do we want to depend on one besides glam. An ever-increasing maintenance burden for geometry re-implementations is also detrimental.

TLDR: it’s a trade-off between performance, maintenance effort and correctness – the current combination of glam and Godot seems to be a relatively well-working sweet spot.

§8. glam types are not exposed in public API

While Godot and glam share common operations, there are also lots of differences and Godot specific APIs. As a result, godot-rust defines its own vector and matrix types, making glam an implementation details.

Alternatives considered:

  1. Re-export types of an existing vector algebra crate (like glam). The gdnative crate started out this way, using types from euclid, but became impractical. Even with extension traits, there would be lots of compromises, where existing and Godot APIs differ slightly.

    Furthermore, it would create a strong dependency on a volatile API outside our control. glam had 9 SemVer-breaking versions over the timespan of two years (2022-2024). While it’s often easy to migrate and the changes notably improve the library, this would mean that any breaking change would also become breaking for godot-rust, requiring a SemVer bump. By abstracting this, we can have our own timeline.

  2. We could opaquely wrap types, i.e. Vector2 would contain a private glam::Vec2. This would prevent direct field access, which is extremely inconvenient for vectors. And it would still require us to redefine the front-end of the entire API.

Eventually, we might add support for mint to allow conversions to other linear algebra libraries in the ecosystem. (Note that mint intentionally offers no math operations, see e.g. mint#75).


Iterator types for arrays and dictionaries.
Math-related functions and traits like ApproxEq.
Specialized types related to Godot’s various string implementations.


Constructs Array literals, similar to Rust’s standard vec! macro.
Constructs Dictionary literals, close to Godot’s own syntax.
A macro to coerce float-literals into the real type.
Array of reals.
Access vector components in different order.
Constructs VariantArray literals, similar to Rust’s standard vec! macro.


Axis-aligned bounding box in 3D space.
Godot’s Array type.
A 3x3 matrix, typically used as an orthogonal basis for Transform3D.
A Callable represents a function in Godot.
Color built-in type, in floating-point RGBA format.
HSVA floating-number Color representation.
Godot’s Dictionary type.
A future that tries to resolve as soon as the provided Godot signal was emitted.
Godot’s reference counted string type.
A pre-parsed scene tree path.
Implements Godot’s PackedByteArray type, which is a space-efficient array of u8s.
Implements Godot’s PackedColorArray type, which is a space-efficient array of Colors.
Implements Godot’s PackedFloat32Array type, which is a space-efficient array of f32s.
Implements Godot’s PackedFloat64Array type, which is a space-efficient array of f64s.
Implements Godot’s PackedInt32Array type, which is a space-efficient array of i32s.
Implements Godot’s PackedInt64Array type, which is a space-efficient array of i64s.
Implements Godot’s PackedStringArray type, which is a space-efficient array of GStrings.
Implements Godot’s PackedVector2Array type, which is a space-efficient array of Vector2s.
Implements Godot’s PackedVector3Array type, which is a space-efficient array of Vector3s.
Implements Godot’s PackedVector4Array type, which is a space-efficient array of Vector4s.
3D plane in Hessian normal form.
A 4x4 matrix used for 3D projective transformations.
Unit quaternion to represent 3D rotations.
2D axis-aligned bounding box.
2D axis-aligned integer bounding box.
A Signal represents a signal of an Object instance in Godot.
The panicking counter part to the FallibleSignalFuture.
A string optimized for unique names.
Handle for an active background task.
Affine 2D transform (2x3 matrix).
Affine 3D transform (3x4 matrix).
Godot variant type, able to store a variety of different types.
Godot enum name: Variant.Operator.
Godot enum name: Variant.Type.
Vector used for 2D math using floating point coordinates.
Vector used for 3D math using floating point coordinates.
Vector used for 4D math using floating point coordinates.
Vector used for 2D math using integer coordinates.
Vector used for 3D math using integer coordinates.
Vector used for 4D math using integer coordinates.


Defines how individual color channels are laid out in memory.
This enum is exhaustive; you should not expect future Godot versions to add new enumerators.
This enum is exhaustive; you should not expect future Godot versions to add new enumerators.
The eye to create a projection for, when creating a projection adjusted for head-mounted displays.
A projection’s clipping plane.
A RID (“resource ID”) is an opaque handle that refers to a Godot Resource.
This enum is exhaustive; you should not expect future Godot versions to add new enumerators.
Enumerates the axes in a Vector2.
Enumerates the axes in a Vector3.
Enumerates the axes in a Vector4.


Convenience conversion between real and f32/f64.
Represents a custom callable object defined in Rust.


Create a new async background task.

Type Aliases§

A Godot Array without an assigned type.
Floating point type used for many structs and functions in Godot.