Module gdnative::globalscope

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Port of selected GDScript built-in functions.

This module contains some of the functions available in the @GDScript documentation.

Reasons why a GDScript function may not be ported to Rust include:

  • they are in the Rust standard library (abs, sin, floor, assert, …)
  • they are already part of a godot-rust API
  • they have a private implementation, i.e. a Rust port would have different semantics
    • randi, randf etc. – users should use rand crate
    • str2var, bytes2var, hash etc – to be verified

This above list is not a definitive inclusion/exclusion criterion, just a rough guideline.

Other noteworthy special cases:

  • GDScript fmod corresponds to Rust’s % operator on f32 (also known as the Rem trait).


  • Coordinate system conversion: cartesian -> polar
  • Converts from decibels to linear energy (audio).
  • Returns an “eased” value of x based on an easing function defined with curve.
  • Returns the floating-point modulus of a/b that wraps equally in positive and negative.
  • Find linear interpolation weight from interpolated values.
  • Returns true if a and b are approximately equal to each other.
  • Returns true if s is zero or almost zero.
  • Linearly interpolates between two values, by the factor defined in weight.
  • Linearly interpolates between two angles (in radians), by a normalized value.
  • Converts from linear energy to decibels (audio).
  • Loads a resource from the filesystem located at path.
  • Moves range.start() toward range.end() by the delta value.
  • Returns the nearest equal or larger power of 2 for an integer value.
  • Coordinate system conversion: polar -> cartesian
  • Returns the integer modulus of a/b that wraps equally in positive and negative.
  • Maps a value from range_from to range_to, using linear interpolation.
  • Smooth (Hermite) interpolation.
  • Position of the first non-zero digit, after the decimal point.
  • Snaps float value s to a given step.
  • Wraps float value between min and max.
  • Wraps integer value between min and max.