Function try_save

pub fn try_save<T>(
    obj: &Gd<T>,
    path: impl AsArg<GString>,
) -> Result<(), IoError>
where T: Inherits<Resource>,
Expand description

Saves a Resource-inheriting object into the file located at path.

This function can fail if ResourceSaver can’t save the resource to file, as it is a simplified version of ResourceSaver::save(). The underlying method can be used for more advances scenarios.


Target path must be presented in Godot-recognized format, mainly the ones beginning with res:// and user://. Saving to res:// is possible only when working with unexported project - after its export only user:// is viable.


use godot::prelude::*;

#[class(base=Resource, init)]
struct SavedGame {
  // Exported properties are saved in `.tres` files.
  level: u32

let save_state = SavedGame::new_gd();
let res = try_save(&save_state, "user://save.tres");
