Macro tr

macro_rules! tr {
    ($fmt:literal $(, $($args:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    ($context:expr; $fmt:literal $(, $($args:tt)*)?) => { ... };
Expand description

A convenience macro for using the Object::tr() and Object::tr_ex() methods.

Takes a format string literal, with optional arguments. Optionally, context for potentially ambiguous words can be added before the format arguments, separated with a ;.

Using named or positional parameters instead of {} may make it easier to use dynamic formatting once gdext supports it:

use godot::tools::tr;

// Good.
tr!(context; "{a} is a {b}"); // inlined, with context
tr!("{0} is a {1}", a, b); // positional, without context
tr!("{c} is a {d}", c = a.x, d = b.y); // named (inlining not possible here)

// Not as good, much more fragile.
tr!("{} is a {}", a, b);

The methods are called from the Engine singleton.

See also: Translation contexts in Godot.