Class registration

Classes are a fundamental data type of GDNative. They are used for Godot's own types (such as nodes) as well as custom ones defined by you. Here, we focus on defining custom classes and exposing them to Godot.

The Rust entry point

When working with godot-rust, your Rust code sits inside a dynamic library with C ABI (cdylib), which is loaded at runtime from the Godot engine. The engine works as the host application with the entry and exit point, and your Rust code will be loaded at some point after Godot starts and unloaded before it ends.

This workflow implies that when you want to execute Rust code, you need to first pass control from Godot to it. To achieve this, every godot-rust application integrated with the engine must expose a public interface, through which Godot can invoke Rust code.

Somewhere in your code, usually in, you need to declare the functions that will be called by the engine when the native library is loaded and unloaded, as well as the registration function for native classes exposed to the engine. godot-rust provides the following macros (consult their documentation for further info and customization):

fn main() {

Or the equivalent short-hand:

fn main() {

The argument init refers to the function registering native script classes, which is also defined by you. For this chapter, let's assume you want to write a class GodotApi, which exposes a public interface to be invoked from Godot. The registration is then as follows:

fn main() {
// see details later
struct GodotApi { ... }

fn init(handle: InitHandle) {

Class definition

Similar to the Hello World example, we can define the GodotApi native class as follows:

fn main() {
// Tell godot-rust that this struct is exported as a native class 
// (implements NativeClass trait)

// Specify the base class (corresponds to 'extends' statement in GDScript).
// * Like 'extends' in GDScript, this can be omitted. 
//   In that case, the 'Reference' class is used as a base.
// * Unlike 'extends' however, only existing Godot types are permitted,
//   no other user-defined scripts.
pub struct GodotApi {}

// Exactly one impl block can have the #[methods] annotation, 
// which registers methods in the background.
impl GodotApi {
    // Constructor, either:
    fn new(base: &Node) -> Self { ... }
    // or:
    fn new(base: TRef<Node>) -> Self { ... }

The #[derive(NativeClass)] macro enables a Rust type to be usable as a native class in Godot. It implements the NativeClass trait, which fills in the glue code required to make the class available in Godot. Among other information, this includes class name and registry of exported methods and properties. For the user, the utility methods new_instance() and emplace() are provided for constructing Instance objects.

The function new() corresponds to _init() in GDScript. The base is the base object of the script, and must correspond to the class specified in the #[inherit] attribute (or Reference if the attribute is absent). The parameter can be a shared reference &T or a TRef<T>.

With a new() method, you are able to write in GDScript. If you don't need this, you can add the #[no_constructor] attribute to the struct declaration.

At this point, arguments cannot be passed into the constructor. Consult this FAQ entry for available workarounds.