Module godot::__docs

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§Extended documentation

This highlights a few concepts in the public API of the godot crate. They complement information available on the main crate documentation page and the book.

§Type categories

Godot is written in C++, which doesn’t have the same strict guarantees about safety and mutability that Rust does. As a result, not everything in this crate will look and feel entirely “rusty”. See also Philosophy.

Traits such as Clone, PartialEq or PartialOrd are designed to mirror Godot semantics, except in cases where Rust is stricter (e.g. float ordering). Cloning a type results in the same observable behavior as assignment or parameter-passing of a GDScript variable.

We distinguish four different kinds of types:

  1. Value types: i64, f64, and mathematical types like Vector2 and Color.

    These are the simplest to understand and to work with. They implement Clone and often Copy as well. They are implemented with the same memory layout as their counterparts in Godot itself, and typically have public fields.

  2. Copy-on-write types: GString, StringName, and Packed*Array types.

    These mostly act like value types, similar to Rust’s own Vec. You can Clone them to get a full copy of the entire object, as you would expect.

    Under the hood in Godot, these types are implemented with copy-on-write, so that data can be shared until one of the copies needs to be modified. However, this performance optimization is entirely hidden from the API and you don’t normally need to worry about it.

  3. Reference-counted types: Array, Dictionary, and Gd<T> where T inherits from RefCounted.

    These types may share their underlying data between multiple instances: changes to one instance are visible in another. They are conceptually similar to Rc<RefCell<...>>.

    Since there is no way to prevent or even detect this sharing from Rust, you need to be more careful when using such types. For example, when iterating over an Array, make sure that it isn’t being modified at the same time through another reference.

    Clone::clone() on these types creates a new reference to the same instance, while type-specific methods such as Array::duplicate_deep() can be used to make actual copies.

  4. Manually managed types: Gd<T> where T inherits from Object but not from RefCounted; most notably, this includes all Node classes.

    These also share data, but do not use reference counting to manage their memory. Instead, you must either hand over ownership to Godot (e.g. by adding a node to the scene tree) or free them manually using Gd::free().

§Ergonomics and panics

gdext is designed with usage ergonomics in mind, making it viable for fast prototyping. Part of this design means that users should not constantly be forced to write code such as obj.cast::<T>().unwrap(). Instead, they can just write obj.cast::<T>(), which may panic at runtime.

This approach has several advantages:

  • The code is more concise and less cluttered.
  • Methods like cast() provide very sophisticated panic messages when they fail (e.g. involved classes), immediately giving you the necessary context for debugging. This is certainly preferable over a generic unwrap(), and in most cases also over a expect("literal").
  • Usually, such methods panicking indicate bugs in the application. For example, you have a static scene tree, and you know that a node of certain type and name exists. get_node_as::<T>("name") thus must succeed, or your mental concept is wrong. In other words, there is not much you can do at runtime to recover from such errors anyway; the code needs to be fixed.

Now, there are of course cases where you do want to check certain assumptions dynamically. Imagine a scene tree that is constructed at runtime, e.g. in a game editor. This is why the library provides “overloads” for most of these methods that return Option or Result. Such methods have more verbose names and highlight the attempt, e.g. try_cast().

To help you identify panicking methods, we use the symbol “⚠️” at the beginning of the documentation; this should also appear immediately in the auto-completion of your IDE. Note that this warning sign is not used as a general panic indicator, but particularly for methods which have a Option/Result-based overload. If you want to know whether and how a method can panic, check if its documentation has a Panics section.

§Thread safety

Godot’s own thread safety rules apply. Types in this crate implement (or don’t implement) Send and Sync wherever appropriate, but the Rust compiler cannot check what happens to an object through C++ or GDScript.

As a rule of thumb, if you must use threading, prefer to use Rust threads over Godot threads.

The Cargo feature experimental-threads provides experimental support for multithreading. The underlying safety rules are still being worked out, as such you may encounter unsoundness and an unstable API.