Calling GDScript from Rust

To transport information from Rust back to GDScript, you have three options (of which the last can be achieved in different ways):

  • Use return values in exported methods
  • Use exported properties
  • Call a Godot class method from Rust
    • invoke built-in method as part of the API (e.g. set_position() above)
    • invoke custom GDScript method, through call() and overloads
    • emit a signal, through emit_signal()

Which one you need depends on your goals and your architecture. If you see Rust as a deterministic, functional machine in the sense of input -> processing -> output, you could stick to only returning data from Rust methods, and never directly calling a Godot method. This can be limiting however, and depending on your use case you end up manually dispatching back to different nodes on the GDScript side.

Passing custom classes to GDScript

On the previous pages, we explained how to export a class, so it can be instantiated and called from GDScript. This section explains how to construct a class locally in Rust.

Let's define a class Enemy which acts as a simple data bundle, i.e. no functionality. We inherit it from Reference, such that memory is managed automatically. In addition, we define _to_string() and delegate it to the derived Debug trait implementation, to make it printable from GDScript.

fn main() {
#[derive(NativeClass, Debug)]
// no #[inherit], thus inherits Reference by default
pub struct Enemy {
    pos: Vector2,

    health: f32,

    name: String,

impl Enemy {
    fn _to_string(&self) -> String {
        format!("{:?}", self) // calls Debug::fmt()

Godot can only use classes that are registered, so let's do that:

fn main() {
fn init(handle: InitHandle) {
    // ...

Now, it's not possible to directly return Enemy instances in exported methods, so this won't work:

fn main() {
fn create_enemy(&mut self) -> Enemy {...}

Instead, you can wrap the object in a Instance<Enemy, Unique>, using emplace(). For an in-depth explanation of the Instance class, read this section.

fn main() {
fn create_enemy(&self) -> Instance<Enemy, Unique> {
    let enemy = Enemy {
        pos: Vector2::new(7.0, 2.0),
        health: 100.0,
        name: "MyEnemy".to_string(),

When calling this method in GDScript:

var api =
var enemy = api.create_enemy()
print("Enemy created: ", enemy)

the output will be:

Enemy created: Enemy { pos: (7.0, 2.0), health: 100.0, name: "MyEnemy" }

If you want types to be default-constructible, e.g. to allow construction from GDScript, omit the #[no_constructor] attribute. You can default-construct from Rust using Instance::new_instance().

Function calls

While you can export Rust methods to be called from GDScript, the opposite is also possible. Typical use cases for this include:

  • Read or modify the scene tree directly from Rust (e.g. moving a node)
  • Synchronizing logic state (Rust) with visual representation (Godot)
  • Notify code in GDScript about changes in Rust

Methods provided by Godot classes are mapped to regular Rust functions. Examples for these are Node2D::rotate(), Button::set_text(), StaticBody::bounce(). They can usually be invoked safely on a &T or TRef<T> reference to the respective object.

Custom GDScript methods (defined in .gd files) on the other hand need to be invoked dynamically. This means that there is no type-safe Rust signature, so you will use the Variant type. All Godot-compatible types can be converted to variants. For the actual call, Object provides multiple methods. Since every Godot class eventually dereferences to Object, you can invoke them on any Godot class object.

The following GDScript method:

# in
extends CanvasItem

func update_stats(mission_name: String, health: float, score: int) -> bool:
    # ...

can be invoked from Rust as follows:

fn main() {
use gdnative::core_types::ToVariant;

fn update_mission_ui(ui_node: Ref<CanvasItem>) {
    let mission_name = "Thunderstorm".to_variant();
    let health = 37.2.to_variant();
    let score = 140.to_variant();

    // both assume_safe() and call() are unsafe
    let node: TRef<CanvasItem> = unsafe { ui_node.assume_safe() };
    let result: Variant = unsafe {"update_stats", &[mission_name, health, score])
    let success: bool = result.try_to_bool().expect("returns bool");

Besides Object::call(), alternative methods callv() (accepting a VariantArray) and call_deferred() (calling at the end of the frame) exist, but the principle stays the same.

For long parameter lists, it often makes sense to bundle related functionality into a new class, let's say Stats in the above example. When working with classes, you can convert both Ref (for Godot/GDScript classes) and Instance (for native classes) to Variant by means of the OwnedToVariant trait:

fn main() {
use gdnative::core_types::OwnedToVariant; // owned_to_variant()
use gdnative::nativescript::NativeClass; // emplace()

// Native class bundling the update information
struct Stats {
    mission_name: String,
    health: f32,
    score: i32,

fn update_mission_ui(ui_node: Ref<CanvasItem>) {
    let stats = Stats {
        mission_name: "Thunderstorm".to_variant(),
        health: 37.2.to_variant(),
        score: 140.to_variant(),      
    let instance: Instance<Stats, Unique> = stats.emplace();
    let variant: Variant = instance.owned_to_variant();

    let node: TRef<CanvasItem> = unsafe { ui_node.assume_safe() };
    // let's say the method now returns a Stats object with previous stats
    let result: Variant = unsafe {"update_stats", &[variant]) };
    // convert Variant -> Ref -> Instance
    let base_obj: Ref<Reference> = result.try_to_object().expect("is Reference");
    let instance: Instance<Stats, Shared> = Instance::from_base(base_obj).unwrap();|prev_stats: &Stats, _base| {
        // read prev_stats here


When calling GDScript functions from Rust, a few things need to be kept in mind.

Safety: Since the calls are dynamic, it is possible to invoke any other functions through them, including unsafe ones like free(). As a result, call() and its alternatives are unsafe.

Re-entrancy: When calling from Rust to GDScript, your Rust code is usually already running in an exported #[method] method, meaning that it has bound its receiver object via &T or &mut T reference. In the GDScript code, you must not invoke any method on the same Rust receiver, which would violate safety rules (aliasing of &mut).

Signal emissions

Like methods, signals defined in GDScript can be emitted dynamically from Rust.

The mechanism works analogously to function invocation, except that you use Object::emit_signal() instead of Object::call().