
Extensions written in gdext can be debugged using LLDB, in a similar manner to other Rust programs. The primary difference is that LLDB will launch or attach to the Godot C++ executable: either the Godot editor or your custom Godot application. Godot then loads your extension (itself a dynamic library), and with it your Rust code.

The process for launching or attaching LLDB varies based on your IDE and platform. Unless you are using a debug version of Godot itself, you will only have symbols for stack frames in Rust code.

Launching with VS Code

Here is an example launch configuration for Visual Studio Code. Launch configurations should be added to ./.vscode/launch.json, relative to your project's root. This example assumes you have the CodeLLDB extension installed, which is common for Rust development.

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug Project (Godot 4)",
            "type": "lldb", // type provided by CodeLLDB extension
            "request": "launch",
            "preLaunchTask": "rust: cargo build",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "args": [
                "-e", // run editor (remove this to launch the scene directly)
                "-w", // windowed mode
            "linux": {
                "program": "/usr/local/bin/godot4",
            "windows": {
                "program": "C:\\Program Files\\Godot\\Godot_v4.1.X.exe",
            "osx": {
                // NOTE: on macOS the needs to be manually re-signed 
                // to enable debugging (see below)
                "program": "/Applications/",

Debugging on macOS

Attaching a debugger to an executable that wasn't compiled locally (the Godot editor, in this example) requires special considerations on macOS due to its System Integrity Protection (SIP) security feature. Even though your extension is compiled locally, LLDB will be unable to attach to the Godot host process without manual re-signing.

In order to re-sign, simply create a file called editor.entitlements with the following contents. Be sure to use the editor.entitlements file below rather than the one from the Godot Docs, as it includes the required key not currently present in Godot's instructions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist 
  PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Once this file is created, you can run

codesign -s - --deep --force --options=runtime \
    --entitlements ./editor.entitlements /Applications/

in Terminal to complete the re-signing process. It is recommended to check this file into version control, since each developer needs to re-sign their local installation if you have a team. This process should only be necessary once per Godot installation though.