Export to Web

Web builds are a fair bit more difficult to get started with compared to native builds. This will be a complete guide on how to get things compiled. However, setting up a web server to host and share your game is considered out of scope of this guide, and is best explained elsewhere.


Web support with gdext is experimental and should be understood as such before proceeding.


Install a nightly build of rustc, the wasm32-unknown-emscripten target for rustc, and rust-src. The reason why nightly rustc is required is the unstable flag to build std (-Zbuild-std). Assuming that Rust was installed with rustup, this is quite simple.

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten --toolchain nightly

Next, install Emscripten. The simplest way to achieve this is to install emsdk from the git repo. We recommended version 3.1.39 for now.1

git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
cd emsdk
./emsdk install 3.1.39
./emsdk activate 3.1.39
source ./emsdk.sh     (or ./emsdk.bat on windows)

It would also be highly recommended to follow the instructions in the terminal to add emcc2 to your PATH. If not, it is necessary to manually source the emsdk.sh file in every new terminal prior to compilation. This is platform-specific.

Project Configuration

Enable the experimental-wasm feature on gdext in the Cargo.toml file. It is also recommended to enable the lazy-function-tables feature to avoid long compile times with release builds (this might be a bug and not necessary in the future). Edit the line to something like the following:

git = "https://github.com/godot-rust/gdext"
branch = "master"
features = ["experimental-wasm", "lazy-function-tables"]

If you do not already have a .cargo/config.toml file, do the following:

  • Create a .cargo directory at the same level as your Cargo.toml.
  • Inside that directory, create a config.toml file.

This file needs to contain the following:

rustflags = [
    "-C", "link-args=-sSIDE_MODULE=2",
    "-C", "link-args=-pthread", # was -sUSE_PTHREADS=1 in earlier emscripten versions
    "-C", "target-feature=+atomics,+bulk-memory,+mutable-globals",

Edit the project's .gdextension file to include support for web exports. This file will probably be at godot/{YourCrate}.gdextension. The format will be similar to the following:

web.debug.wasm32 = "res://../rust/target/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/debug/{YourCrate}.wasm"
web.release.wasm32 = "res://../rust/target/wasm32-unknown-emscripten/release/{YourCrate}.wasm"

Compile the Project

Verify emcc is in the PATH. This can be as simple as doing the following:

emcc --version

Compile the code. It is necessary to both use the nightly compiler and specify to build std3, along with specifying the Emscripten target.

cargo +nightly build -Zbuild-std --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten

Godot editor setup

Add a web export in the Godot Editor. In the top menu bar, go to Project > Export... and configure it there. Make sure to turn on the Extensions Support checkbox.

Example of export screen

If instead, the bottom on the export popup contains this error in red:

No export template found at expected path:

Then click on Manage Export Templates next to the error message, and then on the next screen select Download and Install. See Godot tutorial for further information.

Running the webserver

Back at the main editor screen, there is an option to run the web debug build (not a release build) locally without needing to run an export or set up a web server. At the top right, choose Remote Debug > Run in Browser and it will automatically open up a web browser.

Location of built-in web server

Known Caveats

  • Godot 4.1.3+ or 4.2+ is necessary.
  • Only Chromium-based browsers (Chrome or Edge) appear to be supported by GDExtension at the moment; Firefox and Safari don't work yet. Info about browser support can be found here.

If your default browser is not Chromium-based, you will need to copy the URL (which is usually http://localhost:8060/tmp_js_export.html) and open it in a supported browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.


Currently, the only option for WASM debugging is this extension for Chrome. It adds support for breakpoints and a memory viewer into the F12 menu.


Note: Due to a bug with emscripten, the maximum version of emcc2 that can one compile Godot with is 3.1.39. gdext itself should be able to support the latest version of emcc, however, it may be a safer bet to stick to version 3.1.39.


emcc is the name of Emscripten's compiler.


The primary reason for this is it is necessary to compile with -sSHARED_MEMORY enabled. The shipped std does not, so building std is a requirement. Related info on about WASM support can be found here.