Struct godot::global::Key

pub struct Key { /* private fields */ }



impl Key

pub const NONE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_NONE

pub const SPECIAL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SPECIAL

pub const ESCAPE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ESCAPE

pub const TAB: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_TAB

pub const BACKTAB: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BACKTAB

pub const BACKSPACE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BACKSPACE

pub const ENTER: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ENTER

pub const KP_ENTER: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_ENTER

pub const INSERT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_INSERT

pub const DELETE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_DELETE

pub const PAUSE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PAUSE

pub const PRINT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PRINT

pub const SYSREQ: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SYSREQ

pub const CLEAR: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_CLEAR

pub const HOME: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_HOME

pub const END: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_END

pub const LEFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LEFT

pub const UP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_UP

pub const RIGHT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_RIGHT

pub const DOWN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_DOWN

pub const PAGEUP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PAGEUP

pub const PAGEDOWN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PAGEDOWN

pub const SHIFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SHIFT

pub const CTRL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_CTRL

pub const META: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_META

pub const ALT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ALT

pub const CAPSLOCK: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_CAPSLOCK

pub const NUMLOCK: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_NUMLOCK

pub const SCROLLLOCK: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SCROLLLOCK

pub const F1: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F1

pub const F2: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F2

pub const F3: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F3

pub const F4: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F4

pub const F5: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F5

pub const F6: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F6

pub const F7: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F7

pub const F8: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F8

pub const F9: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F9

pub const F10: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F10

pub const F11: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F11

pub const F12: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F12

pub const F13: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F13

pub const F14: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F14

pub const F15: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F15

pub const F16: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F16

pub const F17: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F17

pub const F18: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F18

pub const F19: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F19

pub const F20: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F20

pub const F21: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F21

pub const F22: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F22

pub const F23: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F23

pub const F24: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F24

pub const F25: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F25

pub const F26: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F26

pub const F27: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F27

pub const F28: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F28

pub const F29: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F29

pub const F30: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F30

pub const F31: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F31

pub const F32: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F32

pub const F33: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F33

pub const F34: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F34

pub const F35: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F35

pub const KP_MULTIPLY: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_MULTIPLY

pub const KP_DIVIDE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_DIVIDE

pub const KP_SUBTRACT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_SUBTRACT

pub const KP_PERIOD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_PERIOD

pub const KP_ADD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_ADD

pub const KP_0: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_0

pub const KP_1: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_1

pub const KP_2: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_2

pub const KP_3: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_3

pub const KP_4: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_4

pub const KP_5: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_5

pub const KP_6: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_6

pub const KP_7: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_7

pub const KP_8: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_8

pub const KP_9: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KP_9

pub const MENU: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MENU

pub const HYPER: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_HYPER

pub const HELP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_HELP

pub const BACK: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BACK

pub const FORWARD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_FORWARD

pub const STOP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_STOP

pub const REFRESH: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_REFRESH

pub const VOLUMEDOWN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_VOLUMEDOWN

pub const VOLUMEMUTE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_VOLUMEMUTE

pub const VOLUMEUP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_VOLUMEUP

pub const MEDIAPLAY: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MEDIAPLAY

pub const MEDIASTOP: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MEDIASTOP

pub const MEDIAPREVIOUS: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MEDIAPREVIOUS

pub const MEDIANEXT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MEDIANEXT

pub const MEDIARECORD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MEDIARECORD

pub const HOMEPAGE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_HOMEPAGE

pub const FAVORITES: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_FAVORITES

pub const SEARCH: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SEARCH

pub const STANDBY: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_STANDBY

pub const OPENURL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_OPENURL

pub const LAUNCHMAIL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHMAIL

pub const LAUNCHMEDIA: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHMEDIA

pub const LAUNCH0: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH0

pub const LAUNCH1: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH1

pub const LAUNCH2: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH2

pub const LAUNCH3: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH3

pub const LAUNCH4: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH4

pub const LAUNCH5: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH5

pub const LAUNCH6: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH6

pub const LAUNCH7: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH7

pub const LAUNCH8: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH8

pub const LAUNCH9: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCH9

pub const LAUNCHA: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHA

pub const LAUNCHB: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHB

pub const LAUNCHC: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHC

pub const LAUNCHD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHD

pub const LAUNCHE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHE

pub const LAUNCHF: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LAUNCHF

pub const GLOBE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_GLOBE

pub const KEYBOARD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_KEYBOARD

pub const JIS_EISU: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_JIS_EISU

pub const JIS_KANA: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_JIS_KANA

pub const UNKNOWN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_UNKNOWN

pub const SPACE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SPACE

pub const EXCLAM: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_EXCLAM

pub const QUOTEDBL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_QUOTEDBL

pub const NUMBERSIGN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_NUMBERSIGN

pub const DOLLAR: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_DOLLAR

pub const PERCENT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PERCENT

pub const AMPERSAND: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_AMPERSAND

pub const APOSTROPHE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_APOSTROPHE

pub const PARENLEFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PARENLEFT

pub const PARENRIGHT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PARENRIGHT

pub const ASTERISK: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ASTERISK

pub const PLUS: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PLUS

pub const COMMA: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_COMMA

pub const MINUS: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_MINUS

pub const PERIOD: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_PERIOD

pub const SLASH: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SLASH

pub const KEY_0: Key = _

pub const KEY_1: Key = _

pub const KEY_2: Key = _

pub const KEY_3: Key = _

pub const KEY_4: Key = _

pub const KEY_5: Key = _

pub const KEY_6: Key = _

pub const KEY_7: Key = _

pub const KEY_8: Key = _

pub const KEY_9: Key = _

pub const COLON: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_COLON

pub const SEMICOLON: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SEMICOLON

pub const LESS: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_LESS

pub const EQUAL: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_EQUAL

pub const GREATER: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_GREATER

pub const QUESTION: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_QUESTION

pub const AT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_AT

pub const A: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_A

pub const B: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_B

pub const C: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_C

pub const D: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_D

pub const E: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_E

pub const F: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_F

pub const G: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_G

pub const H: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_H

pub const I: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_I

pub const J: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_J

pub const K: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_K

pub const L: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_L

pub const M: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_M

pub const N: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_N

pub const O: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_O

pub const P: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_P

pub const Q: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_Q

pub const R: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_R

pub const S: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_S

pub const T: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_T

pub const U: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_U

pub const V: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_V

pub const W: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_W

pub const X: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_X

pub const Y: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_Y

pub const Z: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_Z

pub const BRACKETLEFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BRACKETLEFT

pub const BACKSLASH: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BACKSLASH

pub const BRACKETRIGHT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BRACKETRIGHT

pub const ASCIICIRCUM: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ASCIICIRCUM

pub const UNDERSCORE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_UNDERSCORE

pub const QUOTELEFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_QUOTELEFT

pub const BRACELEFT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BRACELEFT

pub const BAR: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BAR

pub const BRACERIGHT: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_BRACERIGHT

pub const ASCIITILDE: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_ASCIITILDE

pub const YEN: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_YEN

pub const SECTION: Key = _

Godot enumerator name: KEY_SECTION

Trait Implementations§


impl BitOr<Key> for KeyModifierMask


type Output = Key

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: Key) -> <KeyModifierMask as BitOr<Key>>::Output

Performs the | operation. Read more

impl BitOr<KeyModifierMask> for Key


type Output = Key

The resulting type after applying the | operator.

fn bitor(self, rhs: KeyModifierMask) -> <Key as BitOr<KeyModifierMask>>::Output

Performs the | operation. Read more

impl BitOrAssign<KeyModifierMask> for Key


fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: KeyModifierMask)

Performs the |= operation. Read more

impl Clone for Key


fn clone(&self) -> Key

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Key


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl EngineEnum for Key


fn try_from_ord(ord: i32) -> Option<Key>


fn ord(self) -> i32

Ordinal value of the enumerator, as specified in Godot. This is not necessarily unique.

fn from_ord(ord: i32) -> Self


impl FromGodot for Key


fn try_from_godot(via: <Key as GodotConvert>::Via) -> Result<Key, ConvertError>

Converts the Godot representation to this type, returning Err on failure.

fn from_godot(via: Self::Via) -> Self

⚠️ Converts the Godot representation to this type. Read more

fn try_from_variant(variant: &Variant) -> Result<Self, ConvertError>

Performs the conversion from a Variant, returning Err on failure.

fn from_variant(variant: &Variant) -> Self

⚠️ Performs the conversion from a Variant. Read more

impl GodotConvert for Key


type Via = i32

The type through which Self is represented in Godot.

impl Hash for Key


fn hash<__H>(&self, state: &mut __H)
where __H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl PartialEq for Key


fn eq(&self, other: &Key) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl ToGodot for Key


fn to_godot(&self) -> <Key as GodotConvert>::Via

Converts this type to the Godot type by reference, usually by cloning.

fn into_godot(self) -> Self::Via

Converts this type to the Godot type. Read more

fn to_variant(&self) -> Variant

Converts this type to a Variant.

impl Copy for Key


impl Eq for Key


impl StructuralPartialEq for Key

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Key


impl RefUnwindSafe for Key


impl Send for Key


impl Sync for Key


impl Unpin for Key


impl UnwindSafe for Key

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.